20th Anniversary Concert
Maui Taiko celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a concert at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center (Castle Theater) on July 2, 2017. The show included our friends: Uneme Daiko from Koriyama, Japan; Marco Leinhard who is a Shakuhachi and Taiko master from New York; the nationally acclaimed San Jose Taiko; and two of our local Japanese dance groups, Nakayama Minyo Kai and Maui Minyo Kai

Unime Daiko
Uneme Daiko was founded in 1994 to grow Koriyama’s nationwide appeal and to make Uneme Matsuri, a summer festival in Koriyama, one of the biggest five festivals of the Tohoku region. Koriyama City, where this group originates, is located in the central area of the Fukushima prefecture of Japan. Known for its farming and business, it is also known for its music, so much so that it is called “Music town Koriyama.”

San Jose Taiko
San Jose Taiko was founded in 1973 by young Asian Americans searching for an outlet to convey their experiences as third generation Japanese Americans, or Sansei. Looking to Japan for inspiration, they were drawn to the empowering sounds of the taiko, the Japanese drum, an instrument that embodies the spiritual essence and heartbeat of Japan. For more informaiton about San Jose Taiko visit theri website at https://www.taiko.org

GRAND MASTER OF SHAKUHACHI, TAIKO AND FUE. Marco Lienhard studied the shakuhachi under Master Katsuya Yokoyama, quickly mastering the instrument and becoming a virtuoso solo artist. Marco Lienhard mastered Taiko drumming as a member of Ondekoza from 1981-1994. While touring as a professional taiko player in Japan, Lienhard also studied the fue and the nohkan (Noh theater flute) with Yukimasa Isso. For a compliete biography of Marco Lienhard, vist his web site at https://www.marcolienhard.com

MAUI MINYO KAI is a group founded by Ken Tasaka Sensei. A group made up of members ranging in age from 10 to 80 years old. They all are passionate about Japanese Folk Dancing. Their mission is to perpetuate the Japanese culture through various forms of dancing such as minyo, minbu, and oiwa

Nakayama Minyo Kai
Nakayama Minyo Kai has been dancing on Maui since 1977. They are a branch of the Nakayama dance school in Japan. The type of dance this group performs is called "Japanese Folk" dance; which means the emphasis is on "group dancing". They are involved in many community activities and events. Their mission is to promote Japanese folk dance and Japanese culture in Hawaii. has been dancing on Maui since 1977. They are a branch of the Nakayama dance school in Japan. The type of dance this group performs is called "Japanese Folk" dance; which means the emphasis is on "group dancing". They are involved in many community activities and events. Their mission is to promote Japanese folk dance and Japanese culture in Hawaii.